In this week’s studio, we discussed several topics of collaboration. This gave me a basic understanding of collaboration. Collaboration is not just working together, but it also involves several aspects, for examples, hierarchy, conflict, management, and remuneration. In the past, when I worked as a team, I did not think much about the structure of collaboration or its importance that could help team working more efficiently, but rather just let it be. So this is my first time to study the content of collaboration in depth. As we need to do our research for each topic, I think this would be very valuable, not only in this class, but also in the future career. My first topics that I have to research are “Technology” and “Conflict”.

In my team, we discussed each unbuilt architecture research with each other. Many are quite interesting and unique. The best two buildings are “Well City” and “Skyscraper”. However, we agreed to choose “Well City” (from the Evolo housing competition 2007) because its simplicity of the design and its unlimited opportunities to the potential setting. We believe that this particular architecture can be easily adapted to any environments as most part of the building is underground. The fact that it is underground and has water inside the building will be very challenging to fabricate in real time environment.

After that we evaluate our selected building, “Well City” and came up with the 8 potential inquiries/problems as follows:

1. Creating water within the building

2. Drilling a perfect rectangular hole

3. Lighting of the rooms

4. Importing materials to Crysis

5. Importing miscellaneous objects to Crysis

6. Creating the cave for the well

7. Recreating the space (scale) with the information available

8. Correcting flow of water (well to pool)

I am assigned to find out the information and resolution for problems 4 & 7. Next week, we will evaluate and combine all information together.