Friday 24th April 2009

Finally, we solved the material problem. I wish I could find this forum earlier, This solves the entire material problem that we have got. Thanks for my teammates, especially Wilson, who always help me finding the useful information.

Figure 1: Material Solution - From Crymod Forum

Since SketchUp could successfully export the whole model to Crysis in the first assignment, I decided to use SketchUp as a tool for applying materials to the building because it is quite easy and convenient to use. I have combined all the methods and solutions as the following steps;


- Create the model

- Export the model in DWG file

SKETCHUP (Credit to Amorilia, Seith, and Zapwizard from Crymod)


1. Install "Python 2.5.4" (python-2.5.4.msi)

2. Install the "Python File Format Interface" (PyFFI-py2.5-1.2.2-windows.exe),
3. Install "ColladaCGF" (ColladaCGF-py2.5-0.3.5-windows.exe),
4. An image editor that can create ".dds" image files, "Paint.Net",

Applying Materials

-Texture the model using proper sized textures. - Powers of 2 (e.g. 64x64, 128x128, 512x512, etc.)

-Open the "Model info" and go to statistics, cllick "Purge unused"
-Export the model to using "Export to Google Earth" (Not upload to 3D Warehouse)
-Rename the .KMZ to .ZIP
-Unzip the files
-Goto /Model and right click on the model and convert it to a .CGF
-Move the material files from the /images folder to the same folder as the .CGF
-Open all the materials and save them as .DDS using Paint.Net or similar

CRYSIS EDITOR (Credit to MaDDaz, Duruk, and Narumara from Crymod)

-Open SandBox2 and import the model. - Put the whole unzipped folder into C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis\Game\Objects, and then find your object in the RollupBar using the "Brush" button under the "Browser" section.
-Open the model's texture file in the material editor
-Replace the .JPG links to point to the proper .DDS files

** - Right click a list of materials in Material Editor

Window and DUPILICATE the materials

** - Assign material to an object

** - Save the map

Figure 2: Duplicating the Materials