Today, we had a guest lecturer named Michael Brand, from Construction Management and Property. He presented many interesting aspects of conflict. Firstly, he gave us an idea about the overall structure of stakeholders in an organisation or a project. In any projects, it generally involves clients, managers, architects, general contract, and sub contract. As there are a number of people working in the same project, it is hard to avoid conflict. Michael presented us to various causes of conflict and suggested a number of resolutions. The major causes that he stated include mutually inconsistent goals, lack of trust, authority relationships, too much emphasis on price, low capital backing, risk transference, lack of participation, and subcontracting outsourcing. Another important dispute is about payment. 70% of payment claim dispute is between a contractor and a subcontractor. This can cause a significant impact on collaboration and an overall project. He suggested that the best way of resolution is by negotiation. Negotiation does not only direct to the end result but it is also the best way to keep a good relationship between team members.

After the lecture, we had our team draft presentation. Our team was the 4th team in the class. We were all quite excited as we prepared our presentation slightly different from other teams. Our presentation was focused on the progress of our project, the problems and resolutions that we encountered, whereas other teams emphasised the details and concept of their buildings. However, we had tried our best to give as much as information to the class. At the end, we gathered a lot of great feedback and interesting ideas and perspectives from the class.